Airbnb house rules: the need-to-know
It’s important to have clear and concise rules for your Airbnb home. Let us guide you with these tips and tricks for successfully managing them at your property.
Every house and host needs routines and rules, whether they are relaxed or followed to the letter. It is even more vital for an Airbnb listing to have solid ground rules for guests clarity, clear boundaries and successful management.
Nobody likes rules and there is a definite knack to being firm but friendly. But where to start? At GuestReady, we offer tips on how to best cover house rules and still keep your guests happy and ensure good Airbnb reviews.
Write down the rules that are most important to you
Firstly, think about the rules that are the most important. Make that list, display it in a prominent place and then expand on it for the house book.
What are the rules on pets? Do you have a time limit for showers? When are quiet hours? Can guests smoke or is it an absolute no-no?
If you have a passion for the planet and expect an attempt at recycling from your guests, make this clear at the start.
Don’t forget to add in any information on any extra charges so patrons don’t get a nasty surprise and write you a bad review. Rules are often broken when they are a little vague or ambiguous, say it once and be specific. When you have the core list, then you can develop it further if needed.
Keep it simple
Nobody wants to read a prolific list of ‘don’ts’. Keep the rule list short and sweet with plain language for non-native language speakers.
If there are more specific rules you feel you want to mention then you can tell the guests in person as you show them around. If there are more detailed rules that should be communicated, have a house book on a table so it’s not too aggressive – after all, it’s supposed to be a holiday.
Some hosts prefer to use the adage, “Please treat this home with the respect you would your own” as this sentence covers many rules. Five to ten general rules should suffice to start, and other more detailed rules can be put in the house book.
[bctt tweet=”Keep your Airbnb rule list short and sweet with plain language for non-native language speakers.” username=”GuestReadyNow”]
It’s all about your guests
If you want great reviews and repeat custom then you must be aware of the type of guests you attract.
Think about them and gear your rules towards them. The rules have to be straightforward for guests to follow, especially for older guests and non-native language speakers. A pivotal rule is usually “Clear away rubbish” making sure bins are labeled clearly makes following the rules easier.
Make rules easily accessible
Without shoving rules down people’s throats, make sure guests can easily and clearly see them or be reminded of them. Always print out rules for the property as well as listing them online, having them displayed in the property by the front door usually works best.
More rules can be put in your manual but you don’t want to annoy guests, just make sure the key rules are clearly displayed so there’s no confusion.
Think about how you will deal with damage
In the event of breakages or damage (which will happen at some point), decide on your plan of dealing with it. Will you ask for payment? Deduct from the deposit? Let it go if it’s a one-off?
Don’t rewrite your rule book based on one bad customer either, it’s inevitable that you will get them on occasion, but most guests will want to treat your home with the respect it deserves. Always look after those guests well and go the extra mile as they are your loyal fan base.
What is the most important rule for your Airbnb guests?